h Interfax-Kazakhstan
Updated on March 28, 2025, 06:23PM (AST)

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Interfax-Kazakhstan products

   Interfax-Kazakhstan News (in English)

    This real-time newswire in English highlights major social, political, financial and economic events in Kazakhstan
    Available on business days only
   Kazakhstan Oil&Gas Report (in English)
    This weekly report covers major events in the oil and gas sector, offers review of main development trends and key projects
    Available weekly
   Kazakhstan Mining Report (in English)
    An English version of Kazakhstan Mining Report
    Available biweekly
   Interfax-Kazakhstan Newswire (in Russian)
    This on-line newswire covers key social and political events in Kazakhstan
    Available daily
   Interfax-Kazakhstan Business Newswire (in Russian)
    A real-time newswire highlighting major financial and economic events in Kazakhstan as well as company news
    Available daily
   Interfax-Kazakhstan Newswire in Kazakh (in Kazakh)
    An on-line newsline highlighting key social, political, financial and economic events in Kazakhstan
    Available on business days only
   Finances & Banks (in Russian)
    A weekly report providing coverage of banks and companies on the financial market of Kazakhstan; topmost financial news of the CIS countries; industry-related statistics
    Available weekly
   Transport & Communications Report (in Russian)
    This electronic publication covers events in the transport, communication and telecommunication
    Available biweekly
   Fuel & Energy Complex Report (in Russian)
    This report spotlights local companies engaged in generation of electricity, production of coal and uranium. It also contains industry-related news from the CIS and Baltic countries and statistics
    Available biweekly
   Agribusiness & Food Report (in Russian)
    This summary highlights local companies engaged in the agribusiness and food market, provides industry-related news coverage of CIS and Baltic counties and industry-related statistics
    Available biweekly

Central Asia and Caucasus

   Central Asia General Newswire (in English)

    An English version of Central Asia Newswire
    Available on business days only on-line or in one issue
   Central Asia & Caucasus Business Weekly (in English)
    A news bulletin in English spotlighting financial and economic events in Kazakhstan, Central Asia and the Caucasus
    Available weekly
   Central Asia Newswire (in Russian)
    This news bulletin spotlights events in Central Asian countries
    Available daily on business days only on-line or in one issue

Russia & CIS - political and economic newswires and reports

   Interfax News (in Russian)

    This newswire provides up-to-date coverage of events in Russia and CIS countries
    Available daily on-online
   International Newswire (in Russian)
    A real-time newswire covering international events
    Available daily on business days only
   Diplomatic Panorama (in Russian)
    A bulletin providing insight into the corridors of power in the Kremlin and from around the CIS
    Available daily on-online

Russia & CIS - financial

   Business & Financial Newswire (in Russian)

    An on-line newswire spotlighting key economic and financial events in Russia, CIS and Baltic countries
    Available daily on business days only; delivered to e-mail inboxes or accessible via the Internet
   Stock Market Newswire (in Russian)
    This daily real-time newswire covers the stock market, company news, financial and economic events
    Available on business days only; delivered to e-mail inboxes or accessible via the Internet

Russia & CIS - topic newswires and reports

   Russia & CIS Energy Newswire (in English)

    An on-line newswire in English providing subscribers with up-to-the-minute news from the energy sectors of Russia and the CIS states
    Available daily on-online
   Interfax Oil Newswire (in Russian)
    An on-line daily newswire covering fuel and energy complex of Russia and CIS countries
    Available on business days only; delivered to e-mail inboxes or accessible via the Internet
   Interfax Gas Newswire (in Russian)
    This real-time newswire spotlights the gas industry of Russia and CIS countries
    Available on business days only; delivered to e-mail inboxes or accessible via the Internet
   Agriculture & Food (in Russian)
    This weekly bulletin covers the agribusiness industry of Russia and CIS countries
    Available weekly; delivered to e-mail inboxes or accessible via the Internet
   IT & Telecom Newswire (in Russian)
    This real-time news bulletin highlights the market of telecommunications and information technologies
    Available on-line on business days only; delivered to e-mail inboxes or accessible via the Internet
   Fuel & Energy Complex Newswire (in Russian)
    An on-line newswire spotlighting the fuel and energy complex of Russia
    Available in real-time on business days only; delivered to e-mail inboxes or accessible via the Internet

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